Date Archives 2008

Beautiful Coat, Hot Day

When I approached this lady about her wonderful look she told me that she was 75 and that she hoped I would tell young people to dress nicely. Briana and I asked her a few questions about her style inspiration and she answered, “I don’t go by style, I go by what’s comfortable and what looks good on me. Young people ask me where I got my coat and I tell them its 100 yrs old, all my clothes are from the 70s!”

It would be awesome to see today’s youth all dressed up like this, in fact I’ll have to go out and buy a new suit and hat!


I spotted this lady from across the square and knew she would be perfect for the site. Her beautiful hat was laying near her, so I asked if she might put it on for a photo. She let me know that she was from Munich and that her hat was a present from Tiffany’s. She looks so charming with her patterned yellow scarf and lovely outfit.