Advanced Style is throwing a HAT PARTY with Guest of a Guest and Canobie Films. The party will be held on Tuesday Dec 2, 2008 at the Historic Algonquin Hotel and will celebrate the DVD release of the highly acclaimed documentary Hat’s OFF, starring 93 year old style icon, model and actor Mimi Weddell. Advanced Style is putting on a photo contest and the winner will secure a spot on our guest list and have a chance to meet this legendary woman. Send in your best Advanced Style hat photos to along with your email address and a little information about the photos. We will post our favorites on the site and the lucky winner will be notified by email invitation to this wonderful event. Looking forward to seeing all of your photos.
Date Archives 2008
Tucked in Boots
Another great shot from Hanneli!
Norwegian Nightingale
Hanneli took this wonderful photo while working in Norway. I still can’t get over her pictures.!
Zelda Kaplan
A wonderful picture of the iconic Zelda Kaplan, shot by my pal Olivia Horner.
John Rainbow Shines
I was looking for some hats for a hat party I’m putting on for Mimi Weddell when I ran into this classy fellow outside of The Village Scandal. Not only does he dress well but it turns out that he is a singer as well. Click Here to check out John Rainbow’s music and watch a video sampling of the 80 year old’s tunes below: