Jenny stopped by my work and we had a wonderful lunch. We chatted and laughed as I snapped some photos of her outside an old church wall.
Date Archives 2009
An Advanced Friendship
Mary, who I met on the street the other day looking sharp in Nanette Lepore, came to visit me at The New Museum with her friend Doris. I asked them about how they met, and the two let me in on a little of their history.
Mary: We’ve been friends for about 30 years.
Doris: We worked together at the Whitney Art Museum.
Mary: I was fired for insubordination.
Doris: I offered to help her fight for her job–
Mary: And she had a very high position there! But I didn’t want her to have to fight for it, because of my boss. He was nicknamed “Lobotomy.”
As Mary and Doris have advanced in age, they’ve maintained an appreciation for each other’s fashion sense, and still firmly believe in looking their best every day.
Bright and Bold
Colorful Coordination
This lovely 70 year old lady was walking down Houston when I asked if I could take her photo. She had just come from grocery shopping, dressed head to toe in Nanette Lepore. She told me that her shopping bag was full of carrots and coffee and that she had brought it along to match her colorful ensemble!
A Mimi Moment