Light blue shorts are very popular with the Advanced Style set, especially during Summer. I remember stealing a pair of my grandfather’s shorts(like the ones above) from his magical closet when I was kid.
Date Archives 2009
Pretty Pink, Baby Blue
From The Vaults

I know this isn’t very Summer, but I was looking through Mister Mort’s amazing collection of photos and had to share this one.
Lady In The Window
I saw this woman inside a vintage shop in the East Village. I went inside to tell her how lovely she looked and she came outside for a few shots. .I love the modern mix of an over sized men’s dress shirt with an elegant hat. I thinks its awesome to see women in menswear and see how they make it their own!
Christo and Jeanne-Claude
Mister Mort always takes the opportunity to snap some shots of world renowned artists Christo and Jeanne-Claude when he sees them around. They pair were born on the same day in 1935 and have been together since 1958.