Time spent with Doris is full of storytelling and magic. I took this video of her explaining what little treasures she had put in an old type case. She is a master at mixing whimsical and fine arts to make a wonderful world full of artistry and delight.
Date Archives 2010
Jenny Goes Gray
Here is Jenny describing why she decided to let her hair go Gray and the great response that she has had. Check out some more photos of her below and more in the near future. Email your own stories of “Going Gray” to Advancedstyleinfo@gmail. I think it would be fun to share a few.Also make sure and check the sidebar for some new details about Debra. I added an email for her where you ask ask her any questions relating to Nutrition,Style,Having Fun,Making Crafts,Enjoying Life with Enthusiasm, and Staying Young.Debra’s Advanced Style email is debrathenutritionista@gmail.com and she can’t wait to hear from you!
Jenny at Grand Central
I had the pleasure of reuniting with Jenny today and we had a wonderful day taking photos, listening to French accordion music, and walking around Grand Central Station. I have been watching a lot of Alfred Hitchcock films lately so Grand Central was the perfect location for a photo shoot. I shot so many pictures to share over next few weeks so look forward to some more photos of Jenny!
New Museum Gals
These two ladies popped into the New Museum the other day to see the latest show. They told me that they worked at MoMA and that they had volunteered at the opening of the New Museum. They recalled that it was an exciting day with thousands of visitors and described in detail how cold it was outside. Its always great to have a museum buddy and even better when you work together and share a passion for the arts. The ladies above reminded me of two of my other favorite museum going ladies Mary and Doris, whom I met outside the New Museum as well. They also worked together at a museum(The Whitney) and became great friends!