Interview With an 80 year old Blogger

Rita Marcus, a blogger in her 80s, proves you are never too old to learn about new technology.I met Rita while in London for my project with Selfridges last Summer. She told me about her wonderful blog and I have been a fan ever since. I recently interviewed this style savvy tech wiz about her life as a blogger and more below:
How old are you and when did you start blogging?

I am now in my eighties and started blogging just over four years ago.
How has starting a blog changed your life, affected the way you communicate with people?
I think that I have certainly acquired more confidence since starting my blog and as such am able to relate to people far more easily than before.
What are your thoughts on aging? Can you offer any advice for those worried about growing “old”?
I think that ageing is only a name like age is just a number. Time goes by so quickly that we really don’t see , or rather can’t believe any change.
Do you mind the word old, if so what a better alternative?

Personally, I would rather be called an “elegant lady” than an “old lady”.

How would you define style?
I really think that one is born with Style. You either have it or you don’t! However, in retrospect, I suppose one learns from their mistakes. But at my time of life a quieter, simpler approach to style is far smarter.
What are the secrets to remaining young at heart?
As far as I am concerned I really believe that it’s my lovely family that keeps me “young at heart”. If you think about it, I have grown up with them all!

Truth is, I have never lost my sense of humour!
You look amazing, can you share your ” top ten beauty and lifestyle secrets with us?
Ari, you want to know what are my top ten beauty and lifestyle secrets are. Well, I suppose I still have a great interest in life and the people around me. I like to dress sensibly without going over the top. I do try to live sensibly .Be sure to get a good night’s sleep, drink lots of water, and alcohol in moderation.
Tell me a little bit about your relationship with technology. What electronic devices do you use on a daily weekly basis and do you keep up to date with new innovations?

I have left this question till last as the answers are endless! I have had a computer now for over ten years and at first used it for just sending and receiving emails. I now use the Internet daily and have made many friends world-wide. I Skype friends both at home and abroad, and do a lot of shopping too on the internet. If I wish, I can travel the world too on the Internet! And, of course, I have my BLOG (V.O.G)However, may I say that none of this would have been possible without the help of my dear son Stephen. He has been my mentor from the very beginning He has taught me all I know and has always had confidence in me, particularly at times when I was at the point of giving up.

Glamour at The Grocery Store

We all have excuses as to why we can’t dress up at a particular moment, but this woman is proof that you can dress stylishly even while grocery shopping. I saw her at Trader Joe’s and asked if I could take her photograph. She told me that she was only dressed for shopping, but I assured her that she looked just marvelous. If you’re in rush throw take a cue from the lady above. Throw on a great pair of shades and a stylish scarf and you’re ready to go!

Eye-Catching On The Upper East Side

This  woman was  leaving a cafe on the Upper East Side when I asked if I could take her photo. I told her that I loved her style and she told me that she dresses like this all the time. I love the way she coordinates her hat,scarf,and accessories. Her outfit is the perfect example of Advanced Style, it’s elegant unique and fun. What is your favorite part about this outfit? 

Check out her amazing lace wrist bands and bangles.

West Village Style

I was looking out the window on a taxi ride to the West Village, when I spotted this gorgeous lady. I always see people I’d like to photograph through the windows of taxis and buses, but I usually don’t get the chance to stop and jump out. I knew that this was an opportunity for a great shot so I asked the driver to pull over and quickly ran down the street to meet up with the lady above.