A London Lady

When I was a little boy my grandma and I would lie and bed and watch My Fair Lady together. I imagined there would be ladies dressed up like Eliza Doolittle on every London street corner. I ran into this wonderful woman right near Selfridges department store and instantly thought of the great times shared with my grandmother, watching movies and sharing stories. Do you guys have any special memories of your grandparents. I’d love to hear them. Email me at Advancedstyleinfo@gmail.com or comment below!

Ari Seth Cohen

London’s Finest

I am having the most splendid time in London running around and meeting with some fabulous ladies and gentleman, from advanced bloggers and models to a Baron and a women who worked with the famous code cracking Enigma machine during World War II. They have welcomed me into their hearts and their homes and I am enjoying every moment of it.

The elegant women above was one of the first stylish ladies I spotted in London. I saw her get into a taxi cab and I quickly ran up to the window and asked if she would roll it down so I could take a photo of her. I complimented her turban and matching shirt and pants and she replied, ” I am on my way to chemo darling, a friend made this hat for me.” As she drove off I knew that the rest of my experiences in Europe would be just grand.

All in the Family: Eyewear Inspiration

Part of what I’m doing to keep busy while Ari’s away with the staff camera in London (so jealous!) is reading all your submissions. Each of your letters are encouraging me to find more people with “Advanced Style” and to report about them for you. I’m so happy to be reading your letters, finding out what sort of diverse things inspired you as you developed your sense of style, and what references you look to in order to continue (or begin) to establish your look.

Apropos of this, I wanted to share one of my inspiration images (since many of you have been sending me yours)… This is my beautiful grandmother Ruth. She’s always had great style, and even now, at the age of 82, chooses eyewear that suits her style and sense of chic.
True the “cat-eye” frame is back in vogue, but I feel a little bit of her when i walk around in mine.
It’s less of an homage to a designer, and more of a salute to our elders!

Results of the survey coming soon….