Gitte Lee: Once A Model Always A Model

[Photos and Text Ari Seth Cohen

I came across this gorgeous woman while shooting for Selfridges today and I couldn’t stop snapping away. Her name is Gitte Lee, a former Danish model, and she was one of the most charming and elegant women I have ever met.

On another note, Maayan and I are having a great time reading all of your responses to our questions, so I thought I’d post it again below!
What’s your age?
Male or female?
Where do you spend most of your time?
What are your hobbies?
What sort of work do you do?
What is your favorite era of style?

Send your submissions (and feel free to send pictures!) to:

Our Better Half’s in Londontown

As many of you know, our photographer Ari Seth Cohen is currently in London doing some scouting for the Advanced Style project with Selfridges. If we’re lucky he’ll get some pics of the ladies and gents on the “To-Do List” I gave him… Who doesn’t want some style tips from the Queen!?

While Ari’s away I’ll be holding down the fort and posting tips from our favorite Advanced Style characters. Each Monday we’ll take on a new topic and you’ll get to hear what Debra, Jenny, MaryAnn, Ilona (and more!) have to say about dressing up while on the road, what bag to carry, skincare, etc…

In the mean time, we’d love to hear more about our readers.
It will help us shape what sort of posts we do during our collective summer vacation…

What’s your age?
Male or female?
Where do you spend most of your time?
What are your hobbies?
What sort of work do you do?
What is your favorite era of style?

Send your submissions (and feel free to send pictures!) to:

I’ll be here at my computer, in a one-piece and a headscarf…