Advanced Style: Future Options

[Photos by MISTER MORT]
On the topic of aging and style, it is my opinion that style options become less limited with age.With the benefit of time and having seen trends come and go throughout the years, Advanced Style fashionistas know what works best for them and they can take risks without fear of judgement. Arriving at this venerable state grants one the priveledge of authority . It is to our elders that we should turn to for advice. In fact the silver haired set can be free to dress for themselves,wear their clothes with confidence and experiment with their favorite style cues from the past and present.
The woman above takes a practical accessory, and turns it into a contemporary and elegant fashion statement. By mixing her glasses with fun earrings, a beautiful floral hair tie, chic black jacket, and trendy boots, she creates a look that is fashion forward and super stylish. It is this mixing of elements, seemingly effortless and spontaneous, but put together with great instinct and care that I find so fascinating in my investigation of advanced styles. The advancement of personal style is about feeling good which in turn allows you to look even better, the only one you have to convince is yourself.

Ari Seth Cohen

Almost Famous

These two were so happy that I stopped them for a photo that they told me they felt like movie stars. They said that they had been photographed when they were much younger on a ferry boat and had mistaken for being famous back then. I love how they both are wearing tinted lenses and thought they looked practical and stylish for a day on the town.

Respect Your Elders

As I kid, when I would get frustrated with something an adult said or did my grandmother would always say to me, “Honey, you must respect your elders.” Although I couldn’t quite understand having more respect for someone just because they were older, she didn’t say it in a commanding way, in fact I think the addition of the word honey made it sound sweet and definitely something I could accomplish. The reason I have so much respect for older people is my close relationship with this wonderful woman. She would teach me , ” a little bit about a lot of things,” something she would say when I told her that I thought she knew everything.At this point I don’t even question my respect and admiration for older people. I embrace it and use this blog as a forum to show how cool and relevant we can be in our advancing years. Respect your elders has taken on a new meaning and extending beyond manners to a true appreciation of the beauty, creativity, style and vitality that remains alive and advances as we age.