“Not Dead Yet” T-Shirts Now Available



I’m excited to present my brand new T-shirt collaboration with my dear friend Fanny Karst. We have been thinking about doing a new project for a long time and inspiration struck from a recent email. A few months ago I received  the note below:

Hey Ari,
First of all thank you so much for recognizing women of distinction, as we say in the south “ I appreciate you” as a 70-year-old grandma from North Carolina who still likes to rock but not always in a rocking chair! Please let me know if I may in anyway be part of your journey to spread the word we’re not dead yet and have a lot to offer.
Thank you again

My project is all about celebrating  the style, wisdom, and creative expression of the senior set. Our brand new “Not Dead Yet” t-shirts are a  fashionable wink to the growing Advanced Style movement. Orders are now available

