Red and White

I was walking around the city with some  friends when a gorgeous woman passed by. My friends immediately turned to tell me that I need to photograph her. I love how all my friends and family are now taking notice of older people. I get messages from people all over the world telling me about the older people in their lives or about some incredible person that they have spotted walking down the street. Let’s continue to bring visibility to the inspiring seniors in all of our communities.

At Home With Suzi Click

Assorted Clothes and Jewelry by Suzi Click and Gretchen Schields

I visited designer Suzi Click at her extraordinary Los Angeles home over the weekend. Her dear friend and collaborator Grtechen Schields(pictures to follow) drove up from Laguna Beach for an afternoon photo shoot at Suzi’s colorful abode. It was so much fun hearing Suzi and Gretchen discuss and admire each other’s outfits and witness their deep appreciation for personal expression. Stay tuned for photos of Gretchen and if you want to check out their designs CLICK HERE and HERE.