Advanced Style Book Signing Tour in Europe

The greatest thing about releasing The Advanced Style Book  has been receiving all of the wonderful responses from everyone. I started the project in the spirit of my wonderful grandmothers. I am so happy that the Advanced Style Ladies can inspire us all to live life to the fullest.

This Sunday I am leaving for London for a book signing tour. The House of Fraser has kindly invited me to sign copies of the Advanced Style book in the Mary Portas Shop of two of their London locations. I can’t wait to see all the ladies I have photographed in London and meet some wonderful new ones. Check out my European book tour below. Hope to see you there!

Book Signing Schedule

Thursday 7th June, 5pm, Mary’s Shop at House of Fraser, 318
Oxford Street, W1
Saturday 9th June, 2pm, Mary’s Shop at House of  Fraser, Westfield London,

June 13- To be announced

I will be speaking and signing books at The American Book Center Treehouse
June 14 19:30 CLICK HERE for tickets.

Advanced Style Film Trailer

After three years of filming the Advanced Style Ladies, Lina Plioplyte and I are now in the post production stage of our film. In order to complete our film we need your help and support. Please visit  the Kickstarter Page for the Advanced Style Film and donate to the project if you can. We have 24 days left to raise the funds needed in order to complete the film. You can also click on the image below to visit the Kickstarter page. Lina just put together a brand new trailer for the film, which you can see above. Let’s work together to bring these amazing ladies to a theater near you. Thanks for your support!!!

Shocking Chartreuse

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. Thanks for all of your support sharing and donating to our Kickstarter. We have reached 17% of our goal and have 25 days to go! On another note I  love receiving all your photos and responses to my book on Twitter and Facebook-keep them coming!!! I am in the middle of planning some book signings in Europe and will post the dates and locations this week.

It looks like Summer has officially hit New York so this may be the cool weather post to hit the blog until next year.If you would like to keep up with all AS updates check me out on 
Twitter!/AriSethCohen  and join the Advanced Style Facebook Page

Advanced Style Kickstarter

Lina and I launched the official Kickstarter for our Advanced Style Film today. We can’t wait to see the response. After filming these incredible ladies for over two years we are ready to wrap up the production of our film by the end of Summer. Check out the video and our Kickstarter link  .We only have a month to reach our goal and we would be so grateful if you could share the link to our project with friends and family . We would love to see  the Advanced Style ladies on the big screen and with your support we can make this a reality!!!!You can join the Facebook for the film Here and once again the link to Kickstarter  HERE. Thank you so much for your help and support!!!

Ilona’s Heading To Provincetown

We celebrated the launch of my book last night at the New Museum with all of the Advanced Style Ladies. Click Here to see some great images  from the party and I’ll try to post some soon as well. For everyone who had ordered the book on Amazon, thanks for all of the wonderful reviews. On another note my dear friend Ilona Royce Smithkin is heading to the coast to spend the summer in Provincetown. I will miss her dearly, but hope to make a visit to her studio by the sea sometime in July.