“When in Doubt, Leave it Off.”

[Amber on Madison Ave in her Ralph Lauren Sandals]

I met Amber near Madison Ave, and asked if I could take her photo. She was dressed perfectly for a hot summer’s day, and I knew she would have some great style advice. Amber told me that she follows her mother’s old saying,” When in doubt, leave it off.” Amber thinks about comfort first, because, “You won’t feel stylish if you aren’t comfortable.” This is sound advice from a stylish lady!

Which Photo Would You Choose?

Today when I was working on my post about 79 year old Rose, I had a choice to make. I had taken a number of photographs of her, and had to decide which ones to use. I generally keep my photos pretty free of editing. I want to present the most respectful and inspiring images possible, in order to stay true to the spirit of my subjects. It’s interesting how the turn of a head, a hand on the hip,or subtle shift in weight can change the mood of a photo.
When I approach an outstanding lady or gentleman, I always start by giving them a compliment, and then ask if I can take their photo. I prefer to let them pose in which ever way feels most comfortable, only coaching them when they ask for a little help. I like to take photos that are full of vitality and spirit. The men and women I photograph are full of life and it’s my duty to convey this in each photo I take. If you were to post one of the photos above, which would you choose and why?