A Long Line of Presentation

I ran into Rose near central park this past weekend.She shared some of the knowledge that she has acquired over the past 79 years. Rose told me, ” There was always a long line of presentation. Not one item should outdo another. The pieces should compliment one another, to create one complete picture. This is how it used to be,there was an elegance before. We were working towards the face, everything was meant to flatter the face.”
When I asked her why she wears gloves, she simply responded,” To protect my hands.”

Hair Style

I love the way many older women pay great attention to their hair styles.For me this is a sign of vitality and spirit. Both my grandmothers would have their hair blown dry and set, a few times a week. It wasn’t until my grandma Bluma’s final few months that she cared little about her appearance. When Bluma was sick I used to comb her hair back and bring the mirror to her. She would smile every time. Style is not only the clothes we put on, but how we carry and present ourselves.

I stopped the woman above while she was walking uptown with her daughter. I asked if I could take her picture and her daughter remarked, ” I was just telling her how beautiful she is. Everywhere we go people stop her. She has a spark in her.”

Get Photographed for the Advanced Style Book and Join our Summer Salons at MAD

Debra Rapoport, like many of the women on Advanced Style, is a fan of recyclable fashion. She shops at thrift stores, reinvents what she already has in her closet, and uses recycled materials to make the most amazing accessories. This summer The Museum of Arts and Design has teamed up with Advanced Style to present a series of creative salon sessions. Join Debra and I for our next salon Saturday, July 23rd.She will demonstrate how to make warm weather clutches, bags, pouches, and purses out of a range of recycled materials.
I am working hard to finish up the photos for my upcoming book and thought this might be a great day to take some photos. If you know anyone who would be a great subject for Advanced Style bring them by MAD on Saturday July 23rd. We will be having fun and taking pictures all day, so please stop on by and say hello.Keep track of all Advanced Style happenings on Facebook HERE.
You can find more details HERE and enjoy the videos of Debra below!
Program Details
Saturday, July 23, 2011 – 12:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Free with Museum Admission
6th floor – classroom, MAD

80 Year Old Designer Miyano Haraki

I met 80 year old, Miyano Haraki, last year, after asking to take her photo in midtown. The other day, I went to her home to interview her about her career in fashion. She had great stories to tell about working for Pierre Cardin and Valentino and she shared some great fashion tips as well. I will include more of Miyano’s story in my upcoming book, but for now enjoy these photos of her with some of the amazing hats, she has made over the years.