“I Love Style, I Love Style, Can’t Live Without It”

I loved this spirited woman’s response to my question on style, “I love style, I love style, can’t live without it. Even when I’m sleeping I must have it.” I met her and her,”sweetheart” on the Upper East Side after admiring their matching green hats.They gave me some invaluable advice about fashion and style.Her fashion advice, “Be aware, have a good sixth sense” His advice, “Don’t be a Sucker”.


Style Secrets From The Countess Of Glamour

At 78 Lynn Dell,The Countess of Glamour, looks and feels better than ever. Lynn is the owner of Off Broadway Boutique , a place where glamour reigns, and woman go to feel good. For over 40 years Lynn has helped dress customers of every age, every size, and every budget. Enjoy some of Lynn’s wonderful style secrets in the video below, and if you are in New York make sure to check out Off Broadway Boutique.(They have a great vintage department too)

“Don’t take your self too seriously.”

“Dress for the theatre of your life.”

“You get one chance around so go for it”

Advanced Style Film for NOWNESS

Advanced Style: Age and Beauty on Nowness.com.
Here is the complete Advanced Style short film for NOWNESS.com . I hope you enjoy these fabulous ladies as much as Lina and I do!