Advanced Style Video: Maryann

Advanced Style presents: Maryann Van Dongen from teenage peanut video productions on Vimeo.
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Here is the latest installment of Advanced Style Videos by the wonderful videographer Lina Plioplyte.
Over the past year Lina has been filming some of our favorite ladies for a documentary project on style and aging. She has learned a lot from these fantastic women. Hear her talk about her style progression below and for some more videos CLICK HERE. If you know any stylish older women living in New York email me at and  hope you enjoy the clips.

Lina with Mary

Advanced Style Feature For Vogue Japan

The other day when posting about Jean, of the “Idiosyncratic Fashionionstas”, I mentioned a super cool secret project that I was working on. Vogue Japan  has invited me to do an Advanced Style jewelry series for them. My first slide show is up now on under jewelry or CLICK HERE for the direct link . Make sure you look through all six photos and enjoy some pictures from the shoot above. I will be doing two more jewelry series, so if you have any suggestions of who I can photograph feel free to send photos  to I’d love to hear from you either way. Remember we can continue or conversation on Twitter:!/AriSethCohen .