The Art of Simplicity:Dress to Suit Your Mood

Advanced Style is about personal style and expression. Oftentimes I feature people who wear bright colors and unexpected pairings of patterns. I have come to appreciate those who are daring, who get older and bolder, who take risks and live life to the fullest.
On the opposite side of the style spectrum are those who keep it simple and elegant. Their style shines, through their graceful and elegant approach to fashion and aging. The ladies above look chic, comfortable and confident. The Advanced Stylistas have taught me that you can dress to suit your mood, some days simple, others more eccentric, as long as you feel beautiful and comfortable!

A Well Designed Cane

The other day I went to visit the offices of a wonderful company called OMHU. The staff there believes that life is both imperfect and beautiful and their aim is to,” change the way people think and feel about aging and disability” by offering “joyful products that support people’s abilities as they change throughout life.”

I photographed Carolyn Korb,mother of one of the company’s founders, with one of OMHU’s striking canes. The cane is not only well designed and beautifully constructed, but it is the perfect mobility aid for the modern age. One doesn’t have to hide their metal cane any longer, in fact they can proudly display their independence with a stylish and contemporary option. For more details on OMHU check out their informative blog .

Malcah Zeldis: Older and Bolder

Advanced Style Presents: Malcah Zeldis from teenage peanut video productions on Vimeo.Back in March I had the opportunity to meet the amazing artist Malcah Zeldis. We had a fantastic time exploring her studio and hearing about how her work has influenced her life and vice versa.Lina Plioplyte put together this wonderful video of Malcah explaining her work and philosohphy on style .Malcah explains that as she gets older she gets bolder. What an inspiring way to look at life! CLICK HERE to read more about Malcah Zeldis and enjoy the photos and video above.

Following in Mama’s Footsteps

This super fashionable lady was walking down 5Th Ave when I stopped her for a quick photo. I asked her about her style influences and she replied, ” I learned from my Mama.” Ladies often tell me that they have inherited their mothers’ good taste or desire to dress up. I know this is part of the reason I am interested in fashion and style. If you want to know a little more about what influences me to do Advanced style Check out this link from a recent profile in the New York Times!

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