Ilona Royce Smithkin

I know we have seen a lot of Ilona these days but she never ceases to amaze me. The other day she called me to let me know that she had made the most marvelous creation. When I arrived at her apartment she told me, ” I found the most wonderful scarf today, which I sewed together to make into a dress with matching scarf.” Read more about how Ilona’s style relates to her artistic practice in a post I did about her for The New Museum Blog
including the video below.

Here is Ilona performing this summer in Provincetown:

Peepers Reading Glasses Giveaway

I know that many of you are inspired by the glasses you see on the ladies and gentleman of Advanced Style.Advanced Style and Peepers Reading Glasses are offering a Giveaway to win 2 free pairs of reading glasses. All you have to do is send us a photo of you in your favorite glasses and a short explanation of why you love them. We will post entries HERE and the winning entry will win 2 free pairs of Peepers Reading Glasses.
Send all entries to Peepersgiveaway@gmail.comCheck more contest details to below:
EASY TO PARICIPATE!1) Submit a photo of your favorite pair of glasses along with why you love them to Peepersgiveaway@gmail.com2) Entries will be posted to our Peepers Giveaway Page3) The most popular entry wins 2 FREE PAIRS OF PEEPERS READING GLASSES!4)Contest runs from Oct 1-Oct 31 winner will be announced shortly thereafter!5)Entries will be numbered, vote on your favorite one by with the number of your favorite entry!
* Winner will be determined by Advanced Style and Peepers * Winner will be posted on Advanced Style.* Winner will be contacted by Peepers directly so they can pick the pairs they want.

Fresh and Vintage

I saw this gentleman walking on the Upper West Side and asked if I could take his photo. He has a super cool look with his 70s style suit, aviator sunglasses, and paisley tie. It is guys like this, who still look great in items that they have had in their wardrobes for years, that really inspire me. His clothes may be old, but he looks fresh and hip!