Style On The Upper West Side

This week has been quite exciting with Advanced Style being featured in Sunday’s New York Times. If you didn’t get a chance to see the article in the newspaper here is a link to the online edition It is so amazing to see the people I photograph being appreciated and being thought of as influencers because the definitely inspire me everyday.

Yesterday I stopped this stunning woman on the Upper West Side and asked her if I could take her photo. We talked about the New York Times article and she said that she loved what I was doing. I just love when women wear silk scarves in the hair and this woman’s pink lipstick is an added touch of flair to her chic outfit.

Museum Style

I saw this gentleman outside of MoMA and I asked him if I could take a quick photo. He was very charming and a great model as well.I told him that I loved his hat and that when I was a kid I used to sneak into my grandfather’s closet and steal all of his old hats and walk around the neighborhood feeling very distinguished. I love hats to this day!

Advanced Style Vide: Debra On The Importance of Color

One of the amazing perks of what I do is that I get to meet and hang out with wonderful people like Debra. I am constantly inspired by her creativity and the way she embraces aging with a sense of freedom and air of confidence. In this video she is talking about the subtleties of color changes and transitions and how these principals relate to style. Feel free and email Debra at !