I spotted Wanda at the Pulaski Day Parade on 5th Avenue last Sunday, decked out in an awesome red sweater and Polish flag to match. We got to chatting, and she told me the story of how she found her sweater. Years ago, she was volunteering for the YWCA, when she complemented one of the course instructors on her sweaters. The instructor told her where to buy one and she hurried off to buy herself one in red and another in turquoise. Wanda told me quite a few stories on Sunday, and explained that she just loves to walk around and explore the city… hence the nickname she developed years ago: ‘Wandering Wanda’.
The first thing I noticed about this woman’s outfit was her vintage looking plaid skirt. She pairs the skirt with a more modern sweater and great shoes.
These two stylish ladies, originally from California, were walking in Midtown when we stopped them for a photo. Although they said they weren’t used to modeling they look pretty great.
Not only does this guy have a great smile, but he also looks very smart in his plaid blazer. As we said our goodbyes he remarked with another smile, “Glad to be of service”.