Don’t Dress Your Age, Dress How You Feel

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Many times when I am walking down the street I am drawn to those who aren’t afraid to express themselves in full and glorious color. Like rare exotic birds, they leave a trail of joyful and creative expression with each step that they take. Yes I could search for only the most chic and elegant of dressers, which I very much appreciate and often photograph, but how much fun would that be? Advanced Style is a place for sharing the creative expression, spirit, vitality, wisdom and freedom that come with aging.

Advanced Love: Ann and Bill

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It was a cold and windy day in Feb. ’84. So cold you could stay inside if you had a home. Ann was bundled up in front of the bus depot, playing her pawn shop accordion for change. Suddenly a tall stranger appeared dropping a five dollar bill in her tip jar. “Do you know ‘Lady of Spain’ “ he asked. “No” she replied, “but once I met a man from France.” Smiling he said, “my name is Bill.” “I’m Ann” she answered… and so it began.

Now the real story. Ann and Bill met in Redondo Beach, Ca in Feb 1984. Within two weeks Bill told Ann he knew they would be married. August of that year they wed in Maui, Hawaii. Together now for 32 years, it has not always been smooth, but it has been rock solid. If asked what makes a successful marriage: True honesty (no white lies or exclusions); learning the art of compromise; and respecting one another’s differences. We are who we are.

Two additional elements essential to each of us personally are humor (we crack one another up every day) and having a house full of animals. Today’s count: 7 dogs and a parrot.

 Age brings freedom. Retirement brings a more peaceful existence and the physical energy to enjoy it. At least once a day one of us mentions how lucky we are. We have a great life together and know it.