What is the secret to staying beautiful as you age? According to this 80 year woman its to,” Be positive, eat well, and dance a lot.” Inspiring words for a person of any age to live by!
One of best lessons I have learned from the ladies I photograph is to dress for myself, rather than trying to impress others. There is a freedom that accompanies not having to worry about impressing other people. Here’s a style tip from a young man with an old soul, Dress to Impress Yourself! I hope you enjoy Marilyn Sokol’s inspired words. She is a wonderful lady with a great spirit.
The other day Advanced Style was featured in one of Vienna’s largest newspapers derStandard. My photos, including a great cover shot of the Idiosyncratic Fashionistas are displayed throughout the issue . Jean, Valerie, Lina and I got together for brunch to catch up and look at their wonderful faces on the newspaper cover. Its great to see older ladies with great style getting the attention they deserve.
On another note Valerie broke her right wrist, but she doesn’t let that stop her from looking as stylish as always. In the video below she shows how you can even add some style to your cast, proving that style really can be healing. If you are in need of a stylish cane and other helpful products check out this great company OMHU .
Over the last two years I have learned so much about life and style from the wonderful people I have met and photographed for Advanced Style.They have taught me that it is important to embrace life’s up and downs, continue to learn and challenge myself,and take the opportunities that come my way. Above are some of my my favorite quotes from some of these fabulous women.
Writer, Alice Carey is another one of the fantastic women I shot for a jewelry series on Vogue.co.jp . Here are some out takes from the original shoot, showing off some more of her wonderful jackets and jewels. I asked Alice the following questions about aging and style:
1. How old are you? What are your concerns with your appearance as you get older. What is your attitude towards aging?
2.How do you take care of your skin, keep it looking healthy. Are you worried about wrinkles and aging skin?3. How do you keep your hair looking healthy. Do you color your hair? What is your thoughts on gray hair?
4.How has your style changed as you have gotten older. Do you feel more free to experiment with style. How do you get out of a style rut?
5.Any advice you would give to others who are concerned with aging…
6.Anything else you ‘d like to add?
Read her answers below:
1. I am in my early 60’S. Provided I stay looking good (and I work on it) I have no concerns about aging other than I hope I won’t become an old crone.
2. I am a CLAIRINS girl and have been for a long time. It is the best. However, when I’m in Ireland or England I find BOOTS face creams very good. Wrinkles are always a concern, but CLAIRINS seems to keep them in check. I use olive oil soap always.
3. Being Irish I began to go white in my early 20’s and I have been hennaing my hair since then. My husband and I do it every 6 or 7 weeks because my hair grows out fast and one can see the white. Several years ago, I wanted to see what I looked like au natural and I let my hair grow out so my stylist could cut all the colored hair off. Suddenly, I was marvelously white and looked like David Bowie. However, it wasn’t me and I continue to henna my hair.To keep my hair shiny I use Indian oil made from almonds and olives I buy in Middle Eastern stores.
4. I change my style all the time. However, as I grow older I heed Geoffrey Beene’s advice of wearing a uniform. My winter uniform being how you saw me in the street. My summer uniform black chinos from Marks & Spencer and as expensive a white shirt I can get my hands on. Thrift stores are good for this. I also live in cashmere sweaters, preferably vintage, and linen shifts for summer. I do not follow fashion trends and think women silly who do.
5. For god’s sake don’t sweat it. Moisturize as often as you can. Remember ‘life is just a bowl of cherries. Don’t take it serious, life’s too mysterious.”Also, red lipstick, always red lipstick!
6.Anything else…a good haircut several times a year. I do 5 or 6. Hair dye. Red lipstick. Face cream, face cream face cream – I do CLAIRINS and a F-you attitude to dowdy’ness. I look the way you saw me at 9 in the morning when all I’m doing is getting the paper and coffee. Fie on women in sneakers and sweats!
Fashion influences: Duchess of Windsor, Nan Kempner & Pat Buckley for frowzy, lavish formal / dress up stuff.Audrey Hepburn for informal such as my wearing all summer ‘uniform’ of tight black chinos (Marks & Spencer) and great men’s shirt from (say) Thomas Pink.