The other day Advanced Style was featured in one of Vienna’s largest newspapers derStandard. My photos, including a great cover shot of the Idiosyncratic Fashionistas are displayed throughout the issue . Jean, Valerie, Lina and I got together for brunch to catch up and look at their wonderful faces on the newspaper cover. Its great to see older ladies with great style getting the attention they deserve.
On another note Valerie broke her right wrist, but she doesn’t let that stop her from looking as stylish as always. In the video below she shows how you can even add some style to your cast, proving that style really can be healing. If you are in need of a stylish cane and other helpful products check out this great company OMHU .
My name is Ari Cohen and this is my very first Blog. I hope to use this as a forum to document the inspirational street fashion of our respected elders. I have always looked to street fashion for inspiration and since moving to New York four months ago I noticed how awesome so many of New York’s older men and women styled. My main goal is to capture examples of “Advanced Style” from the sophisticated and well dressed to the accidentally stylish and colorful folks out on the town. I will post submissions from all over so feel free to send photos and captions to
I took the photo above in a Seattle park. I stopped to talk to these two Russian women whose style stood out against the gang of hipsters playing kickball in the field near by.